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- Videos -

You will find here a few videos/reviews of my guitars, you can see more on my youtube channel and on Concert Classical Guitar's channel too.

Australe n° 100

My 100th guitar - Lattice Australe

Philppe Mariotti plays in my one hundredth guitar, a concert Australe with lattice braces

Lattice Australe 3 concertistes

Guitare Lattice Australe

3 concert guitar players testing my Australe concert guitar with lattice braces

Lattice Australe 1

Lattice Australe model demo

Demonstration of my Australe guitar with lattice braces by Concert Classical Guitar

Lattice Australe 2

Lattice Australe model demo 2

Demonstration of my Australe guitar with lattice braces by Concert Classical Guitar

Lattice steel guitar

Lattice steel strings guitar

Guitar with a vintage look although a very modern and innovative conception

Acanthe Planchais

Achante Jazz archtop

Sylvestre Planchais plays on my Jazz archtop guitar, the Achante, during 2014 "Graines de guitares" festival

Metal guitars

Metal guitars

Some images of musicians playing my guitars

LP Custom

LP Custom

Presentation of the LP Custom and demo concert by Hugo Martin at the Puteaux 2022 Festival for the "La Chaîne Guitare" channel.